Friday, February 21, 2014

Similar Schedules for the First Time Ever!

For the past 8 years, Ben and I have been on different schedules.  My schedule is your normal Monday through Friday 8 – 5.  Ben’s schedule has always been second shift (4pm-2am) and his days off changed every 3 months.   After having Ava he decided he wanted to go to day shift (7am-5pm) so he could be home more with her.  He applied for day shift in January but due to seniority he did not get it.   Until now…

On Monday, he received a phone call from his lieutenant asked him if he wanted day shift starting next week.  Ben said yes.  So starting next week Ben will be working day shift! 

I should be super excited right?!?!?!  Well I was indifferent about it at first.   Ben and I have never spent 7 days with each other on a routine basis since ever in our relationship.  We went to different colleges.  He moved home, I moved to Baltimore.  He moved to Kentucky and 8 months later I moved to Kentucky.  From that point on we have lived together but again have always been on different schedules.  I am use to have 4 nights of the week to myself to do whatever I want.  Granted sometimes I truly missed him those 4 nights but overall I enjoy my Kelly time.

The idea of Ben being home nightly has grown on me.  I will have a little free time to grocery shop by myself or maybe even if I dare a movie with some girlfriends!  I know those two will still be hard to accomplish but I will have more opportunity!  It will also be great to have Ben home during the spring and tornado season.  Last night, we were under a tornado warning and here I am trying to wrangle 4 dogs and keep Ava asleep at 11:15 at night.  I managed but it will be so much easy to split the duties.

Overall, I am nervous and very excited to have Ben home every night.  Hopefully, we as a family adjust to it well!

1 comment:

  1. Phew, it's definitely a big change! I used to work 4pm-midnight while my husband was the 7am-4:30pm guy, and it was HARD at first to be around each other so much. LOL. I think it will be great for Ava though, and like you said, hopefully free you up a little for more going OUT you time. Good luck adjusting!
