Sometimes I feel like all I do is complain on my blog... therefore, todays post is going to be a happy post!
Today, is my husband's birthday!!! He has to work so I wont see him at all today but that is ok. We can celebrate this weekend. Especially since it is a 3 day weekend for both of us!
Ben was a blind date (at least he didn't know who I was). He was a first date after a horrible relationship, then he turned into my college sweetheart and now my husband. We dated a long time (like years) before moving into anything serious. He gave me the space to figure out who I am and who I want to be while remaining faithful and loyal (and lets be real in this day and age and faithful person is hard to find). He has never tried to mold me into someone I am not. He lets me be me. I love him so much for this. I have seen friends with controlling significant others and it makes me appreciate Ben even more.
He has been supportive throughout the whole infertility. He never put any pressure on me and told me we will do what I am ready to do and when I am ready to do it. He listens to my craziness when the hormones are in overdrive from whatever fertility meds we were using.
He is supportive on my pursuit to become a CPA. Besides a comment every now and then about my hair in the drain, he never says anything about the housework slacking off because I am studying or now because I have no energy.
He is my rock. I love him so. Happy Birthday Baby!
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